Bionic Orchestra 2.0 is the performance following the Bionic Orchestra made two years ago with Ezra and LOS. We work during one year with the Atelier Arts Science in Grenoble on an interactive glove to replace the iphone to control the looper.
I built for this performance different stuff. First the glove, which is able to control all loops, spatialisation, fx and whatever tools ezra is using to create is sound. The glove is based on arduino, IMU sensor and tactile interface then send control to maxmsp which interpret them to control ableton live.
I also works on some video on this setup. We add three screen mapped by video around the audience, and three videoprojector are mapping the audience from above (playing with the light in smoke) and one last is mapping the stage. I'm still using VDMX for this part, and a bit of openframeworks for the advance mapping on audience.
more about the full setup and the glove soon.